VR FleetCare järjestää kolmeosaisen webinaarisarjan Lokakuussa
Kolmeosainen webinaarisarja #TuesdayTalk
Jokainen webinaarijakso kestää tunnin, josta 15 minuuttia on varattu Q&A -osiolle. Webinaarit pidetään englanniksi. Katso tarkempi aikataulu, esiintyjät ja aiheet alta. Rekisteröidy tai katso tallenne jälkikäteen täältä: www.we-rail.com/rolling-stock-webinar.
Tiistai 13.10.2020 15:00 CET (Eurooppa)
Topic: We Won the Finnish Commuter Rail Tender. How Did We Do It? Key Factors for Winning the Helsinki Regional Transport Tender: What Issues Need to Be Taken Into Account As a Fleet Maintainer.
Speakers: Introduction: Peter Guldbrand, Vice President, Commercial. VR FleetCare
Anders Karlsson, Vice President, Supply Chain. VR FleetCare
Mihail Lipiäinen, Vice President, Digital Services. VR FleetCare
Case: What should be taken in consideration when buying new fleet in 2020? How to win the 2020 tenders – focus on operational planning and continuous improvement?
What?: Maintenance and Asset Management company’s overview to future of railway industry. How to increase performance and competitiveness in open market, utilizing digitalization, data, and continuous operations development to gain success.
Tiistai 20.10.2020 15:00 CET (Eurooppa)
Topic: Digital Maintenance as a Game Changer – Is There a Future For Data-Driven Maintenance?
Speakers: Introduction: Mikko Alanko, Sales & Development director, SmartCare Solutions. VR FleetCare
Case 1: Dr. Otto Sormunen, Data Scientist. VR FleetCare
Case 2: Sami Kalevirta, Manager, Product Development. VR FleetCare
Case 3: Mika Kivistö, Condition Monitoring Specialist, Digital Services. VR FleetCare
1: Extension of wagon brake pad replacement intervals utilizing only data science and human induced data
2: What is the value of bogie condition monitoring and how to realize that after pilots and proof-of-concepts
3: Utilization of fleet diagnostic data in maintenance process, how does the data change your ways of working
What?: Many players in the industry are doing a lot of experimentation, but has anyone achieved real value? What are the real benefits form the maintainer’s point of view. The technology exists and works but the benefits are achieved through safety assessments and process changes.
Tiistai 27.10.2020 15:00 CET (Eurooppa)
Topic: Digital Future of Infrastructure Maintenance – Pros and Cons of Different Solutions
Speakers: Introduction: Marko Lehtosaari, Specialist, Railway Maintenance. Väylä (Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency)
Case 1: Sami Saloheimo, Senior Specialist, Condition Monitoring. VR FleetCare
Case 2: Sami Kalevirta, Manager, Product Developer. VR FleetCare
1: Retrofitting switch condition monitoring, what is its value and implementation on the infrastructure - results of pilot study with FTIA
2: Track condition monitoring using commercial fleet and IoT technology, what potential does this technology have for infrastructure owners and operators?
What?: There are several different options for implementing condition-based maintenance on the rail infrastructure. There are major difference in terms of technical implementation as well as cost and usability. What is our overview as a maintenance company what is the future of digitalization in infrastructure maintenance and why.
Rekisteröidy: www.we-rail.com/rolling-stock-webinar